One Jardine's Lookout in Happy Valley Sells Out All 85 Units, Raking in HK$680 Million

28HSE 编辑部  2024-09-30  376 #新盘

Following the recent interest rate cut, Emperor International (0163) launched the first batch of its ONE JARDINE'S LOOKOUT project in Happy Valley on September 28.

All 85 units offered in the initial phase were sold out, with prices starting at HK$4.158 million. The units range from one to three bedrooms, with sizes between 231 and 559 square feet. The discounted sale prices were between HK$4.158 million and HK$10.7268 million, with price per square foot ranging from HK$15,888 to HK$21,250.

All units were sold out. Alex Yeung, Vice Chairman of Emperor Group, confirmed that the 85 units generated a total of HK$680 million, reflecting strong market demand and buyer confidence in the project. Including the 10 units sold via tender on Friday (September 27), a total of 95 units have been sold, accounting for 77% of the project’s 123 units.

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