Fortune Metropolis #3348166 Rental Property Detail Page

Id# 3348166

Hung Hom Fortune Metropolis [Landlord Ads]
[Landlord Direct Deal] Fortune Metropolis In Hung Hom /Close To Hung Hom Mtr Station [No Agency Fee]

*Proximate to Hung Hom MTR Station, prime location with convenient traffic
* connected with Harbour Plaza Metropolis, The Metropolis Residence and Metropolis Tower
* proximity with Poly University, Harbourview and Harbourfront Horizon, large residential deveopment such as Royal Peninsula and Harbour Place
* food court, various kinds of food and beverage restaurants, retail, entertainment and service
Signature shop for lease, your ideal business>

Shopping Mall Shop
Golden Ads
14 days ago posted
Ads is verified
Big Landlord
Big Landlord
此樓盤為長江實業集團有限公司大業主放盤及已經由 28Hse 驗證,可安心聯絡大業主。

This listing is launched by CK Asset Holdings Limited and verified by 28Hse.
Created:2025-02-27 | Updated:2025-03-13
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Lease 13,300 ( RMB 12,588 )
Gross Area
474 ft² ( 44.0 m²)
Unit Price: @28.1 ( RMB @286.27 /m² )
Saleable Area
287 ft² ( 26.7 m² )
Unit Price: @46.3 ( RMB @471.68 /m² )
Fortune Metropolis
Kowloon Hung Hom
Block and Unit: 727A號舖
Building age: 21 Year
Rental Start Date
Rental Available now
6 Metropolis Drive

Property Agency Company

Company Address: -----
Tel: 852-21210611
Ck Asset Holdings Limited


Mr. Choi

Tel:  852-21210xxx

To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
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