Chung Yuen Building #3359382 Rental Property Detail Page

Id# 3359382
No: 38562 (by agent)

Tai Kok Tsui Chung Yuen Building [Agency Ads]
Mid-Level Floor, Zhongyuan, Middle Floor
筍租盤 靚裝 大洋房 街窗 求好客 即租即住

單位一開三 靚裝 大洋房 開放式廚房
平地電祶 街窗 光猛
位置方便 四通八達快快快

Stand-alone Building
Normal Ads
21 days ago posted
Created:2025-03-08 | Updated:2025-03-21
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Lease 6,900 ( RMB 6,568 )
Gross Area
170 ft² ( 15.8 m²)
Unit Price: @40.6 ( RMB @416.01 /m² )
Saleable Area
150 ft² ( 13.9 m² )
Unit Price: @46 ( RMB @471.34 /m² )
Chung Yuen Building
Kowloon Tai Kok Tsui
Block and Unit: Mid-level floor, Zhongyuan Building
Building age: 59 Year
Floor zone
Middle Floor
Room and Bathroom
Studio 1 Bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
No.3 Lok Kwan Street
Chung Wui Street Tai Kok Tsui( Bus Stop )
108 m
Chung Wui Street, Sham Mong Road( Bus Stop )
111 m
Fuk Lee Street( Bus Stop )
117 m

Property Agency Company

Company Address: G/f, Shop A1g, Tai Fu Building, No.6-20 Tai Tsun Street, Kln
Company License Number: E-152856
Sell: 70 Rental: 49


Leung Ki Fung Name Card

Personal License Number: S504680

Tel:  852-98370xxx

Tel:  852-93227xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin

Chung Yuen Building - Other Units

368ft² @ $38
Market Info
Leased HKD$13,800
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.