Foo Tat Building #3359068 Rental Property Detail Page

Id# 3359068
No: 004655 (by agent)

Mong Kok Foo Tat Building [Agency Ads]
Flat 4, Lower Floor, Fuda, Low Floor
Rent In Seconds Bright, Many Windows, Beautifully Decorated 3 Bedrooms Flat Floor With Elevator

Requires good tenants
Definitely good to live in

Stand-alone Building
Normal Ads
8 days ago posted
Created:2025-03-08 | Updated:2025-03-11
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Lease 14,500 ( RMB 13,751 )
Rental Price includes
Gov tax, management fee
Saleable Area
318 ft² ( 29.5 m² )
Unit Price: @45.6 ( RMB @465.47 /m² )
Foo Tat Building
Kowloon Mong Kok
Block and Unit: Flat 4, Lower Floor, Fuda Building
Building age: 40 Year
Floor zone
Low Floor
Room and Bathroom
3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
No. 50 Soy Street
Soy Street Mong Kok (s24)( Bus Stop )
139 m
Soy Street Mong Kok (s21)( Bus Stop )
139 m
Soy Street Mong Kok (s23)( Bus Stop )
140 m

Property Agency Company

Company Address: G/f., 896a Canton Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
Company License Number: C-085502
Sell: 96 Rental: 65


Jeff Lam Name Card

Personal License Number: E-445213

Tel:  852-68888xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin

Cheung Siu Wai Name Card

Personal License Number: E-312668

Tel:  852-64484xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin

Angus Chan Name Card

Personal License Number: E-047626

Tel:  852-61322xxx

Ken Ching Name Card

Personal License Number: E-440552

Tel:  852-68188xxx

Foo Tat Building - Other Units

318ft² @ $40
Market Info
Leased HKD$12,800
318ft² @ $40
Market Info
Leased HKD$12,800
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.