Bee Shing Mansion #3351047 Rental Property Detail Page

Id# 3351047
No: D264042 (by agent)

To Kwa Wan Bee Shing Mansion [Agency Ads]
Low Floor
Two Bedrooms Newly Renovated With Terrace Near Songhuangtai Station, Convenient Transportation, Clos

Convenient transportation, near Sung Wong Toi Station, ready to view with
Cheng Building, 103A Ma Tau Chung Road, To Kwa Wan, saleable area 411 sq. ft
2 bedrooms0, flat floor, elevator, 190 sq. ft

supermarkets, markets, banks, convenience stores, restaurants, fast food chains0
primary school network
many famous schools0Near MTR Tuen Ma
bus and minibus routes pass byConvenient transportation0Near MTR station, convenient transportation, many bus and minibus routes pass


Stand-alone Building
Top Ads
12 days ago posted
Units' Feature
MTR nearby
Good school zone
Flame Cooking
Created:2025-03-01 | Updated:2025-03-12
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Lease 16,500 ( RMB 15,595 )
Rental Price includes
Gov tax, management fee
Saleable Area
411 ft² ( 38.2 m² )
Unit Price: @40.1 ( RMB @407.97 /m² )
Bee Shing Mansion
Kowloon To Kwa Wan
Block and Unit: Low Floor,Bee Shing Mansion
Building age: 62 Year
Floor zone
Low Floor
Room and Bathroom
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
Nos.93-103a Ma Tau Chung Road
The Family Planning Association Of Hk( Bus Stop )
8 m
Ma Tau Kok Road( Bus Stop )
36 m
Sung Wong Toi Road( Bus Stop )
41 m

Property Agency Company

Company Address: G/f, No.63 Pak Tai Street ,tokwawan Kln
Company License Number: C-095576
Sell: 14 Rental: 5
Union Real Estate Agency Limited


Ray Mak

Personal License Number: E-297967

Tel:  852-27688xxx

Tel:  852-91861xxx

Elf Tung

Personal License Number: S-194402

Tel:  852-27688xxx

Tel:  852-61523xxx

Steven Ko

Personal License Number: E-048661

Tel:  852-27688xxx

Tel:  852-92320xxx

To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.