Chinese Mansion #3341974 Rental Property Detail Page

Id# 3341974
No: D234094 (by agent)

Mong Kok Chinese Mansion [Agency Ads]
Mongkok Tenement Building, Newly Renovated, With Key

Close to the subway station and New Century Plaza, convenient transportation, accessible in all directions, welcome to call for inquiries

Tong Lau
Normal Ads
22 days ago posted
Created:2025-02-21 | Updated:2025-03-13
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Lease 5,800 ( RMB 5,500 )
Saleable Area
170 ft² ( 15.8 m² )
Unit Price: @34.1 ( RMB @348.08 /m² )
Chinese Mansion
Kowloon Mong Kok
Block and Unit: 179
Building age: 58 Year
Room and Bathroom
4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms
Fa Yuen Street

Property Agency Company

Company Address: 九龍深水埗 白楊街22號地下
Company License Number: E-102202
Sell: 52 Rental: 34


Yuki Fung

Personal License Number: S-489664

Tel:  852-65757xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin

Yo Yo Name Card

Personal License Number: S-688000

Tel:  852-63607xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin


Personal License Number: E-102202

Tel:  852-92337xxx

James Name Card

Personal License Number: S-662682

Tel:  852-90258xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.