The Cavaridge developed by Kingboard. It located at No. 38 Lai Ping Road,Sha Tin. It proivdes 104 units. Area of units from 1,588 to 2,984 square feet which deigned into 3-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room, 4-bedroom with 4 suites and store room with toilet and store room, 5-bedroom with 4-bedroom and store room with toilet. Area of Houses from 2,710 to 10,727 square feet which designed into 3-bedroom with 3 suites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 4 suites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 5 suites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 5 suites and tea room and 3 store room and store room with toilet, 6-bedroom with 6 suites and store room with toilet, 8-bedroom with 7 suites and store room with toilet and store room and 12-bedroom with 12 suites and store room with toilet.
See The Cavaridge estate's sold price history, floor plans and more information.