What to do with a windowless bathroom

28Hse Editor  2024-01-30  11.8K #Wed Property Focus

Land scarcity in Hong Kong has been a persistent issue. In recent years, to maximize space efficiency, most new buildings feature bathrooms without windows. However, many prospective tenants and buyers are reluctant to choose flats with such bathrooms. What is the issue with this design? 

Bathrooms without windows often lack natural light and ventilation. In fact, before 1997, this design was in violation of the Buildings Ordinance. But in 1997, the Buildings Department eased these regulations, allowing new residential flats to have windowless bathrooms provided they ensure a minimum of five air changes per hour.  

Comparisons between bathrooms with and without windows reveal both pros and cons. Nonetheless, some believethat windowless bathrooms offer only downsides. The primary concerns are inadequate ventilation and moisture control. 

With windowless bathrooms now a common design element, their negative effects can be mitigated through thoughtful decoration and lifestyle adaptations. To combat these issues, homeowners often install ceiling or wall extractors, or multifunctional bathroom units that offer heating, drying, and ventilating to curb humidity and bacteria.

It's important to note that windowless bathrooms can create negative pressure when the door is closed and the exhaust is running, potentially increasing the risk of virus transmission back into the living space. To prevent this, tenants might opt for louvered bathroom doors to improve airflow.

Additionally, it's crucial not to make unauthorized changes to the plumbing. Tenants should regularly check for leaks or clogs in the drainage pipes and periodically pour water down the traps to prevent them from drying out, reducing the possibility of virus spread through the plumbing system. 

In addition, the design of a windowless bathroom often leads to inadequate lighting, creating a sense of gloom. To address this, decorative changes can help, such as opting for brighter tiles or adding light strips around mirror frames to enhance visual brightness.

While these approaches can mitigate the issue, they may increase tenants' financial burden through higher electricity costs and the need for regular maintenance of ventilation equipment to keep humidity at bay. 

Nonetheless, maintaining good personal hygiene and a dry environment can make using windowless bathrooms problem-free, so resistance may be unnecessary. When selecting a flat, consider various factors like affordability, layout, and decor. The bathroom is just one aspect; ultimately, the right flat should suit your preferences. 

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