SHKP Kam Tin offers prices today

28Hse Editor  2022-10-18  876 #New Properties

On the eve of the announcement of the policy address, SHKP's Yuen Long Kam Tin PARK YOHO Bologna rushed out. Chen Hanlin, the acting general manager of SHKP, said yesterday that the project is priced today, and the first price list is not less than 50 units, covering open-plan to three-bedroom units, and will be launched at market prices.

Ruifeng's fastest fourth season relaunch

On the other side, the Cheungsha Bay Ruifeng deployment held by Twin City Holdings Limited was re-launched. Chen Yucheng, managing director of the project management company VMS Dingpei, said that there are still about 224 units for sale in the project, including open-plan to three-bedroom units. Depending on the policy address to be announced tomorrow, etc., it will be re-launched in the fourth quarter or the first quarter of next year at the earliest.

He believes that even though the current property market is affected by interest rate hikes, the HKMA has stepped down the test. If there is good news in the policy address, it may be possible to further resume normal customs clearance. The property market in Hong Kong will rebound in the first quarter of next year. He also pointed out that since he took over Cheung Sha Wan Ruifeng in November last year, he has communicated enough with all buyers, emphasizing that every buyer is a precious guest, and any buyer is welcome to contact them at any time. Ruifeng has handed over the building since June this year, and about 200 units have been occupied.

In addition, the three-storey shopping mall "The Vertex Arcade" at Ruifeng base with 19 parking spaces and naming rights will be sold by tender. Chen Yucheng estimates that the monthly rent of the shopping mall is about 2 million yuan.

128 WATERLOO launches 2 tenders

128 WATERLOO, Ho Man Tin, which is a collaboration between Top Spring International and Chun Wo, put forward two additional units of "128 Collectables", Unit H on the 5th floor and Unit H on the 7th floor, with an area of 1,258 square feet. The tender period is from October 21 to December 31.

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