荃灣西海之戀、柏傲灣|新按揭下首期減近300萬元 但要符合一個條件|鐵路盤海景3房戶

28Hse House Tour  2023-07-23  594 #Video



以目前叫價計,未放寬按揭前,最多只可承造5成按揭,首期達到725萬元,但放寬後 按揭成數加大至7成,首期大減290萬元至435萬元,每月供款45579元,不過同時月入要求,大增27443元至96051元,若果借取按保,月入要求更加升至109773元。

想查看更多影片 海之戀  柏傲灣

Further Reading: The Pavilia Bay Ocean Pride
Disclaimer: All wordings and pictures which indicated 28HSE editor are the copyright of 28HSE LIMITED. Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used. The content is for reference only, does not constitute investment advice and it does not mean that 28HSE agreed the points. The area which show in the article is salable area if there is no special circumstances. The pictures is for reference also.

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