
28Hse Editor  2019-08-07  2.8K #Transaction

屋苑    呎價

御凱   21,085元

立坊   17,707元

全•城滙 20,396元

環宇海灣 17,028元

樂悠居  19,231元

爵悅庭  16,979元

萬景峯  18,918元

荃灣廣場 16,500元

灣景廣場 18,747元

綠楊新邨 15,768元


製表:記者 黎梓田

Further Reading: Skyline Plaza The Dynasty
Disclaimer: All wordings and pictures which indicated 28HSE editor are the copyright of 28HSE LIMITED. Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used. The content is for reference only, does not constitute investment advice and it does not mean that 28HSE agreed the points. The area which show in the article is salable area if there is no special circumstances. The pictures is for reference also.

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