The rent return is 5 cents and the printing fee is 100 yuan. You can pay it and the contract can be
Equivalent to the purchase price 9 years ago
The.Met.Blossom 物業布局圖
The.Met.Blossom Tower 1 1/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 1 2/f To 28/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 1 29/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 1 29/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 2 1/f To 6/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 2 1/f To 29/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 2 2/f To 29/f
The.Met.Blossom Tower 2 3/f To 29/f
The.Met.Blossom 停車位平面圖
The.Met.Blossom 停車位平面圖
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