We'll do our best to negotiate a price that satisfies you.
A very high-rise four-bedroom apartment with beautiful sea views. Owners are eager to lower the pric
A high-rise building with an open balcony, the price can be further reduced [S Recommended]
SORRENTO Phase II Garden Sea View Large Living Room Three Bedrooms
Subway station cover! Clean business management! Just have the key and watch!
Sea views facing southeast! Just have the key and watch!
Sorrento Overall
Sorrento Tower 1 8/f
Sorrento Tower 1 9/f To 52/f
Sorrento Tower 1 55/f To 81/f
Sorrento Tower 2 8/f
Sorrento Tower 2 9/f To 52/f
Sorrento Tower 2 55/f To 73/f
Sorrento Tower 3 9/f
Sorrento Tower 3 10/f To 40/f
Sorrento Tower 3 41/f To 71/f
Sorrento Tower 5 9/f
Sorrento Tower 5 10/f To 40/f
Sorrento Tower 5 41/f To 69/f
Sorrento Tower 6 9/f
Sorrento Tower 6 10/f To 38/f
Sorrento Tower 6 39/f To 67/f
Sorrento Carpark
Sorrento Carpark
Sorrento Carpark
Jenwong1130 | |
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