Speculators' paradise! Another 2.9 million is due! Than you pick!
Phase 2 is a real estate project, converted into a 1-bedroom apartment in the open space!
The first day of the new year is a good time for renovation owners to sell their properties. They ar
[Rental listing for 2 people] [9-minute walk to Tai Wai Station]
2 rooms furnished
Kaiyang landscape environment is quiet, corporate management is comfortable and privacy is high
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Healthy Court--block A 1/f To 25/f
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Harmony Court--block C 1/f To 25/f
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Carnival Court--block D 1/f To 25/f
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Glory Court--block E 1/f To 25/f
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Harvest Court--block F 1/f To 25/f
Golden Lion Garden Stage I Golden Beauty Court--block B 1/f To 25/f
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