Prosperity Building #3359037 For Sale Property Detail Page

Id# 3359037
No: 060843 (by agent)

Mong Kok Prosperity Building [Agency Ads]
Mid Floor, Middle Floor
高層 338萬335尺 旺角2房1廳【德發大廈】2分鐘地鐵 有電梯 超荀價

【交通方便 2分鐘地鐵站】
【高層 338萬335尺 超荀價】
【荀爆 46年樓 物超所值】
【收租荀盤 市區投資一流】
【電梯洋樓 24小時大廈保安】

歡迎致電林先生9202 8271。

* 本司客源廣實客多 *
* 盡心盡力忠誠待客 *
* 專營油尖旺區樓盤 *
* 多行聯營信心保證 *
* 歡迎業主電話放盤 *

Western Style Bldg
Stand-alone Building
Normal Ads
5 days ago posted
Good view
City view
Created:2025-03-08 | Updated:2025-03-08
Mobile QRCode
Sell Price
Sell 3.38 Millions ( RMB 3.195 Millions )
Mortgage Monthly Repayment
Initial Payment HKD$1.01 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 70%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 25
The above payment is for reference only.
Saleable Area
335 ft² ( 31.1 m² )
Unit Price: @10,090 ( RMB @102,655 /m² )
Prosperity Building
Kowloon Mong Kok
Block and Unit: Mid Floor,Prosperity Building
Building age: 46 Year
Floor zone
Middle Floor
Room and Bathroom
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
No.61 Tung Choi Street
Nelson Street Mong Kok (s18)( Bus Stop )
96 m
Nelson Street Mong Kok (s17)( Bus Stop )
97 m
Nelson Street Mong Kok (s19)( Bus Stop )
98 m

Property Agency Company

Company Address: Shop 2, G/f., Keybond Commercial Building, No. 38 Ferry Street, Kowloon
Company License Number: C-080164
Sell: 110 Rental: 101


Hilton Lam

Personal License Number: S-605723

Tel:  852-92028xxx

Kathy Yeung

Personal License Number: E-441493

Tel:  852-60746xxx

Timmy Lai Name Card

Personal License Number: S-318674

Tel:  852-96126xxx

Ken Yuen

Personal License Number: S-625895

Tel:  852-63580xxx

Prosperity Building - Other Units

Prosperity Building Flat D, 21/F
Gross 383ft² @ $8,225
Land Registry
HKD$3.15 Millions
+ 221.4%
Prosperity Building Flat B, 24/F
Gross 285ft² @ $8,000
Land Registry
HKD$2.28 Millions
+ 17.0%
Prosperity Building Flat A, 19/F
286ft² @ $11,364
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$3.25 Millions
+ 3.2%
Prosperity Building Flat B, 16/F
282ft² @ $13,050
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$3.68 Millions
- 23.3%
Prosperity Building Flat B, 10/F
282ft² @ $9,504
Land Registry
HKD$2.68 Millions
Prosperity Building Flat B, 9/F
Gross 450ft² @ $6,444
Land Registry
HKD$2.9 Millions
+ 141.7%
Prosperity Building Flat E, 23/F
251ft² @ $12,749
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$3.2 Millions
- 20.0%
Prosperity Building Flat A, 16/F
291ft² @ $12,766
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$3.715 Millions
Prosperity Building Flat F, 13/F
286ft² @ $13,986
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$4 Millions
+ 41.3%
Prosperity Building Flat C, 12/F
282ft² @ $12,695
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$3.58 Millions
+ 241.0%
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.