Hong Kong Buy, For Sale, Latest Property Listing | The Cavaridge Residential Latest Property Search Result for Sale.

5 results of property for sale
District select: ShaTin, Tai Wai, Fotan

The Cavaridge Estate

The Cavaridge developed by Kingboard. It located at No. 38 Lai Ping Road,Sha Tin. It proivdes 104 units. Area of units from 1,588 to 2,984 square feet which deigned into 3-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room, 4-bedroom with 4 suites and store room with toilet and store room, 5-bedroom with 4-bedroom and store room with toilet. Area of Houses from 2,710 to 10,727 square feet which designed into 3-bedroom with 3 suites and store room with toilet, 4-bedroom ensuites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 4 suites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 5 suites and store room with toilet, 5-bedroom with 5 suites and tea room and 3 store room and store room with toilet, 6-bedroom with 6 suites and store room with toilet, 8-bedroom with 7 suites and store room with toilet and store room and 12-bedroom with 12 suites and store room with toilet.

See The Cavaridge estate's sold price history, floor plans and more information.

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New mortgage plan - P Plan
P = 5.25 %
interest rate
Actual rate
Cash Rebate
Penalty Years

Bank enquiry Tel: 27488080

Updated: 2025-02-04

New mortgage plan - H Plan
H = 3.7 %
interest rate
Actual rate
Cash Rebate
Penalty Years

Bank enquiry Tel: 27102288

Updated: 2025-02-04