Sang Hing Industrial Building #3356737 For Sale Property Detail Page

Id# 3356737
No: D269035 (by agent)

Kwai Chung Sang Hing Industrial Building [Agency Ads]
Kwai Hing, Warehouse, Call For Inspection


Industrial Building
Normal Ads
7 days ago posted
Created:2025-03-06 | Updated:2025-03-10
Mobile QRCode
Sell Price
Sell 0.6 Millions ( RMB 0.567 Millions )
Mortgage Monthly Repayment
Initial Payment HKD$0.18 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 70%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 15
The above payment is for reference only.
Gross Area
50 ft² ( 4.6 m²)
Unit Price: @12,000 ( RMB @122,087 /m² )
Sang Hing Industrial Building
New Territories Kwai Chung
81-83 Ta Chuen Ping St., Kwai Chung
Shek Yi Road Kwai Chung( Bus Stop )
170 m
Lam Tin Street Kwai Chung( Bus Stop )
197 m
Shek Yam Road Kwai Chung( Bus Stop )
256 m

Property Agency Company

Company Address: Shop C73a1,2/f,kwai Chung Plaza,7-11 Kwai Foo Road,kwai Fong, N T
Company License Number: C-038120
Sell: 9 Rental: 13
Fung Yue Property Consultant Company Limited


Edward Lo

Personal License Number: S-536308

Tel:  852-90128xxx

Ann Ng

Personal License Number: E-070730

Tel:  852-62331xxx

Tel:  852-93315xxx


Personal License Number: 070730

Tel:  852-93315xxx

Sang Hing Industrial Building --/F, Sang Hing Industrial Building
Land Registry
HKD$1.728 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building Flat A, 14/F, Sang Hing Ind Bldg
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,297
Land Registry
HKD$7.58 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building 14/F/F, Sang Hing Industrial Building
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,297
Land Registry
HKD$7.58 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building Flat B, 9/F, Sang Hing Ind Bldg
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,927
Land Registry
HKD$9.66 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building 09/F/F, Sang Hing Industrial Building
Gross 3,500ft² @ $2,760
Land Registry
HKD$9.66 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building Flat A, 7/F, Sang Hing Ind Bldg
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,848
Land Registry
HKD$9.4 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building 07/F/F, Sang Hing Industrial Building
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,848
Land Registry
HKD$9.4 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building Flat A, 9/F, Sang Hing Ind Bldg
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,667
Land Registry
HKD$8.8 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building Flat A, 9/F, Sang Hing Ind Bldg
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,667
Land Registry
HKD$8.8 Millions
Sang Hing Industrial Building 09/F/F, Sang Hing Industrial Building
Gross 3,300ft² @ $2,667
Land Registry
HKD$8.8 Millions
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.